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   2010-05-31 ne21翻譯BOB JORDAN14190


     FREEHOLD ― The Monmouth County Board of Freeholders signed off on a deal Thursday that will turn five government buildings into sites for a solar-energy project. A consultant to the freeholders claimed that the move will save $2.5 million in energy bills over the next 15 years.

    A resolution approved in a unanimous vote authorizes a solar photovoltaic system power purchase agreement with Dobco Inc. The county will pay the company about $160,000 annually for the electricity generated by the new systems, a figure that officials say undercuts what would have been paid for power from a public utility company.
The project locations are the Hall of Records and Monmouth County Courthouse, both in Freehold; the Montgomery Care Center and Human Services Complex, both in Freehold Township; and the Library Headquarters in Manalapan.
Dobco Inc. will design, finance, and install the solar photovoltaic systems. The company will remain responsibilities for operations and maintainence through 2025.

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